Nelson Tansu was born in Medan, 20 October 1977. The best of high school graduates Sutomo 1 Medan. Indonesia had been a finalist team in the Physics Olympiad. He holds a degree from Wisconsin University in the field of Applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering and Physics (AMEP) which he passes in just 2 years 9 months, and the predicate Summa Cum Laude. Later earned a Masters in the same plane, and earned his Doctorate (Ph.D) in Electrical Engineering at the age of 26 years. He claimed his parents only to finance his undergraduate course. The rest, he could of won a scholarship to Doctorates. He is also the first Indonesian to be a Professor at Lehigh University where she works now.
Doctorate thesis gets his award as "The 2003 Harold A. Peterson Best ECE Research Paper Award "defeated 300 other Doctorate thesis. In total, he has received 11 scientific awards at the international level, has published over 80 works in various international journal and is currently visiting professor at 18 universities and research institutions. He was also active as an invited speaker at various international events in the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia.
Because the name is similar to the former Prime Minister of Turkey, Tansu Ciller, and also like the Japanese name, Tansu, then the Turks and many Japanese are trying hijacked to "go home". But he always explained that he was an Indonesian. Until now he still holds the green passport bearing the Garuda Pancasila, and not a citizen of the United States. He says he loves Indonesia. But, seeing a very supportive atmosphere research in America, he states did not want to go home and work on Indonesia. It's nothing, we must admit that Indonesia is too small for this caliber scientist Prof. Nelson Tansu.
He also stated that in the United States, scientists and lecturers are highly respected profession in the community. He did not see such things in Indonesia. He menyatatakan that the award for scientist and lecturer in Indonesia is low. Just look at the income earned from campus. Not enough to finance the family of the researcher / lecturer. As a result, a lecturer should take another job, as a consultant in the private sector, taught at many colleges, and sebagianya. Thus, a lecturer did not have time To do research and make scientific publications. How can universities Indonesia known abroad if it never produces scientific publications internationally?
Prof. Tansu also explained that in the U.S. or Singapore, the salary of a professor is 18-30 times higher than salaries professor in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the cost of living is cheaper in Indonesia only 3 times only. Thus, he says is very reasonable if a professor would prefer not to work in Indonesia. Call a professor or lecturer is to research and make scientific publications, but how could he do if he was busy "looking for food".
This seem poorly written, it make it very hard to understand.
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